We at Carejobz Ltd take Data Protection seriously.
We wanted to let you know that we have taken the appropriate steps in ensuring that, as a business, we comply with the new legislation and are doing everything we can to protect the privacy of our Clients and Candidates.
As part of this, we have updated our registration page for all our new Candidates and Clients, this now details what the information supplied is used for and how we use it with third parties.
A more ‘reader-friendly’ version of our Read our Privacy policy on our website has been added to our website, which clearly identifies how we use our Client and Candidate data.
In addition, we have requested and received GDPR policy updates from each of our third-party job boards which we use to promote and advertise Client vacancies, to ensure that all our partners are as compliant as we are, ultimately giving everyone who works with Carejobz Ltd peace of mind.
What you need to know:
- We collect information about Candidates to register them as active Candidates seeking employment, or when they apply for a vacancy as advertised on our website (or a third-party website).
- We use this information in the application process, and will only pass on details to our Clients and Candidates once we have gained approval and only in application of current vacancies.
- We will NEVER submit a CV or pass on personal details without prior permission from either the Candidate or Client.
- Outside of the recruitment process, we will NEVER pass on your company details without prior permission from yourself.
- We will not share Client information with a Candidate unless it relates to a role that has been advertised as a vacancy, and only as part of the application process, we will NEVER share Client or company information to an un-registered Candidate.
- We will contact you from time to time, through email, telephone or text (SMS) message with information about Candidates or training which may be of interest to you, this we define as ‘marketing’
If at any time you would no longer like to use our services, or you would like to amend or remove the information we hold about you, please contact info@carejobz.com
Please rest assured that we will never supply any of your details outside of the authorised companies within Carejobz Ltd